Degrees By Subject Business Schools Accounting Degree Administrative Training Advertising Schools Business Courses Ebusiness Training Entrepreneur Training Finance Courses Finance Degrees Online Human Resource Training Internet Marketing Course Management Classes Marketing Courses MBA Programs Online Online Accounting Degree Online Business Courses Online Management Courses Online Project Management Course Project Management Degree Public Administration Degrees Public Relations Degree Technology Colleges & Certifications Database Design Training Electrical Engineering Information Technology Courses LAN Certification Programs Mechanical Engineering Online CAD Programs Online Technology Degree Software Development Training Telecommunications Schools Online Schools Online Business Courses Online Management Courses Finance Degrees Online Online Accounting Degree Internet Marketing Course MBA Programs Online Online Project Management Course Online Technology Degree Online Paralegal Courses Education Degree Online Teacher Certification Online Online Design Schools Online Web Design Courses Online Graphic Design Training Nursing Courses Online Online Health Care Degrees Art Programs Animation Colleges Design Programs Fashion Design Courses Fashion Marketing Fashion Merchandising Courses Graphic Arts Training Graphic Design Classes Illustration Schools Industrial Design Schools Interior Decorating Classes Interior Design Classes Multimedia Programs Online Design Schools Online Graphic Design Training Online Web Design Courses Visual Communications Web Design Schools


:: Electronic Systems
An online degree is an academic degree (usually a college degree, but sometimes the term includes high school diplomas and non-degree certificate programs) that can be earned primarily or entirely through the use of an Internet-connected computer, rather than attending college in a traditional campus setting. Improvements in technology, the increasing use of the Internet worldwide, and the need for people to have flexible school schedules while they are working have led to a proliferation of online colleges that award associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.
The goal of educational accreditation, according to the United States Department of Education, is to ensure that programs provided by institutions of higher education meet acceptable levels of quality.[1] ENQA, the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, describes the role of external quality assurance in education as one that "combines both accountability for the reassurance of the public and an objective and developmental role for enhancing quality in institutions".[2] In the area of online education, it is important to avoid unaccredited diploma mills that offer fake degrees, as these are unfortunately common. Students seeking valid online degrees should obtain proof of accreditation from an appropriate national or regional accrediting body.
In the United States, online colleges that are fully accredited have earned a widely recognized form of university accreditation from one of six regional accreditation boards.[3] Each of six geographic regions of the United States has one of these boards, a non-governmental agency that oversees and accredits degree-granting institutions headquartered in their areas. The U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) also recognize the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC) as the accrediting organization for distance learning institutions and education programs that offer online degrees.
Outside of the United States, other national and regional standards of accreditation hold, and may be highly supportive of, distance education. For example, the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, or Open University of Catalonia, has been accredited by AQU, the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Catalan University System (a full member of ENQA), since its inception in 1995, and has been called a "significant success story" as "the world's first continuous, and sustainable, virtual university".[4] Similarly, in Ireland, the Higher Education and Training Awards Council (HETAC) has accredited a number of online colleges and degrees, e.g. Setanta College.[5]
In many cases, an online degree earned through an accredited public or private university may be effectively indistinguishable from a degree earned in a campus-based program, sometimes referred to as "brick-and-mortar" programs. The instruction is often exactly the same, with the online degree containing no special designation. As such the same financial aid packages are often available to online students, which has helped make them more accessible to traditional applicants. An example of an indistinguishable degree program is that offered by Columbia University. Student who earn a degree through the Columbia Video Network (CVN) earn exactly the same type of degree as the campus-based program.[13] The professors, courses, homework, tests, and eventual transcripts and diploma are identical to that of on-campus students.[14] Another example is NYU Tandon Online which offers master's degrees completely online through New York University Tandon School of Engineering.[15]
In recent years many top universities have been actively expanding their extension and online learning programs in an effort to legitimize the online education arena.[16][17] While admissions to online programs at prestigious universities hasn't seen a dramatic spike, there has been a large expansion in course offerings in recent years. Almost all Ivy League and top 20 universities now offer at least one online graduate degree program or certification.[18]
The Sloan Consortium, based on data collected from over 2,200 U.S. colleges and universities, reports that nearly 3.2 million students took at least one online course during 2005 (a significant increase over the 2.3 million reported in 2004). According to the same report, about two-thirds of the largest institutions have fully online programs.[11] In 2010, more than 6 million students were taking at least one course online.[20] As of 2013, the number of students enrolled in online courses had risen to over 6.7 million.[21]
- Adams, Jonathan; Defleur, Margaret. "The acceptability of online degrees earned as a credential for obtaining employment". Communication Education. Routledge. doi:10.1080/03634520500343376.
- Lohr, Steve. “Second Thoughts On Web Classes.” New York Times 13 Sept. 2010: 3 Academic Search Complete. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.
- NYU-ePoly FAQs What is the difference between an on-campus course and online course content?
"Things to Consider". United States Department of Education. Retrieved 2011-07-05.
Electronic system level (ESL) design and verification is an electronic design methodology, focused on higher abstraction level concerns. The term Electronic System Level or ESL Design was first defined by Gartner Dataquest, an EDA-industry-analysis firm, on February 1, 2001. It is defined in ESL Design and Verification as: "the utilization of appropriate abstractions in order to increase comprehension about a system, and to enhance the probability of a successful implementation of functionality in a cost-effective manner."
The basic premise is to model the behavior of the entire system using a high-level language such as C, C++, or using graphical "model-based" design tools. Newer languages are emerging that enable the creation of a model at a higher level of abstraction including general purpose system design languages like SysML as well as those that are specific to embedded system design like SMDL and SSDL. Rapid and correct-by-construction implementation of the system can be automated using EDA tools such as high-level synthesis and embedded software tools, although much of it is performed manually today. ESL can also be accomplished through the use of SystemC as an abstract modeling language.
Electronic System Level is an established approach at many of the world’s leading System-on-a-chip (SoC) design companies, and is being used increasingly in system design. From its genesis as an algorithm modeling methodology with ‘no links to implementation’, ESL is evolving into a set of complementary methodologies that enable embedded system design, verification, and debugging through to the hardware and software implementation of custom SoC, system-on-FPGA, system-on board, and entire multi-board systems.
Design and verification are two distinct disciplines within this methodology. Some practices are to keep the two elements separate, while others advocate for closer integration between design and verification.
School Description
Choose the education that's right for YOU!
Computer Technologies Program |
Northwestern Technical College
Program: Get prepared for an entry-level position
as a computer technician or computer support professional. In
this diploma program, you will learn to: Install, troubleshoot,
repair, service and support computer hardware and software systems
Install and administrate Microsoft and Novell networks Design,
develop, administer, secure, and support Internet or intranet-related
services With your education, you can be prepared for: CompTIA
A+ certification Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) certification
Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification Certified
Internet Webmaster (CIW)-Associate certification Upon graduation
you will earn at a minimum: Diploma (20 weeks/5 months) CompTIA
A+ certification or Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification
or Certified Novell Administrator (CNA) certification
Concentration: Electronic
Systems |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Bachelor of Science program
in Computer Science at Warren National University is designed
to provide a background in programming, programming concepts
and operating system software. Specific courses provide the
student with a sample of the most current programming techniques:
C, C++, Pascal and Java, and allow understanding in the use
of other programming languages. Additional courses are offered
to enhance the students' understanding of software development
and provide an understanding of the theory involved in computer
systems development. Programming languages and compilers, and
artificial intelligence provide the core of the advanced subject
matter. Courses include Introduction to Computer Programming,
Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Development and Operating
Systems Design. Warren National University is a licensed post
secondary institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private
Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore,
Warren National University's degree programs are recognized within business
and industry.
Concentration: Business
Programming |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Engineering Management program
at Warren National University is designed to augment the engineering
competency of the student by providing instruction in the process
of management as it applies to technically-based enterprises.
By combining qualitative approaches and quantitative techniques
in a balanced curriculum, management credentials are strengthened
and technical proficiency is increased. Courses for the Master
of Science program include Financial Management in Engineering,
Systems Management, Analysis of Production and Operating Systems,
and Statistical Methods for Engineers. Warren National University
is a licensed post secondary institution pursuant to the State
of Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through
21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs are recognized
within business and industry.
Concentration: Engineering
Management |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Engineering Management program
at Warren National University is designed to augment the engineering
competency of the student by providing instruction in the process
of management as it applies to technically-based enterprises.
By combining qualitative approaches and quantitative techniques
in a balanced curriculum, management credentials are strengthened
and technical proficiency is increased. Courses for the Doctorate
Degree include Strategy and Organization, Management Decisions
in Engineering, Management of Technological Innovation, and
Organizational Research Methods. Warren National University
is a licensed post secondary institution pursuant to the State
of Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through
21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs are recognized
within business and industry.
Concentration: Engineering
Management |
Online |
Environmental Engineering |
Warren National University
Program: The Environmental Engineering program
at Warren National University is a diverse discipline which
focuses on innovative technology for reuse, recycle and recovery
measures, and on the biological, chemical and physical reactions
in the land, air and water environments. The curriculum continues
to respond to the demand for up-to-date education with practical
applications. Courses for the Bachelor of Science program include
Introduction to Environmental Science, Principles of Fluid Mechanics,
Elasticity and Plasticity, Thermodynamics and Environmental
Compliance. Warren National University is a licensed post secondary
institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private Schools
Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's
degree programs are recognized within business and industry.
Concentration: Environmental
Engineering |
Online |
Environmental Engineering |
Warren National University
Program: The Environmental Engineering program
at Warren National University is a diverse discipline which
focuses on innovative technology for reuse, recycle and recovery
measures, and on the biological, chemical and physical reactions
in the land, air and water environments. The curriculum continues
to respond to the demand for up-to-date education with practical
applications. Courses for the Master of Science program include
Quantitative Methods for Environmental Assessment, Air Pollution
Phenomena and Systems, Solid Waste Management and Toxicology.
Warren National University is a licensed post secondary institution
pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act
W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's
degree programs are recognized within business and industry.
Concentration: Environmental
Engineering |
Online |
Environmental Engineering |
Warren National University
Program: The Environmental Engineering program
at Warren National University is a diverse discipline which
focuses on innovative technology for reuse, recycle and recovery
measures, and on the biological, chemical and physical reactions
in the land, air and water environments. The curriculum continues
to respond to the demand for up-to-date education with practical
applications. Courses for the Doctorate Program include Chemical
and Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering, Water
Quality Control, Managing Environmental Risks and Environmental
Economics. Warren National University is a licensed post secondary
institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private Schools
Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's
degree programs are recognized within business and industry.
Concentration: Environmental
Engineering |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The General Engineering program
at Warren National University is designed to broaden the student's
knowledge in the field of engineering by providing a range of
classes relevant to various engineering disciplines. At the
Master of Science level, courses may be chosen to complement
the student's technical background and focus on a specific area
of interest. Courses include Engineering Systems, Operations
Research, Engineering Optimizing Techniques, and Operations
and Productions Management. Warren National University is a
licensed post secondary institution pursuant to the State of
Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through
21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs are recognized
within business and industry.
Concentration: Mechanical
Engineering |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The General Engineering program
at Warren National University is designed to broaden the student's
knowledge in the field of engineering by providing a range of
classes relevant to various engineering disciplines. At the
Doctorate level, courses may be chosen to complement the student's
technical background and focus on a specific area of interest.
Courses include Analytic Methods of Engineering, Management
and Organization of Research and Development, Engineering Economics
Analysis and Environmental Compliance Technology. Warren National University is a licensed post secondary institution pursuant
to the State of Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401
through 21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs
are recognized within business and industry.
Concentration: Mechanical
Engineering |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Bachelor of Science program
in Mechanical Engineering at Warren National University is designed
to provide the student with a broad background for a wide variety
of careers. This program, available in two options, emphasizes
an appropriate mix of energy science and technology, applied
mechanics, thermal sciences and designs. Option A: Thermo-Sciences
Energy is designed to enhance and knowledge of a student who
has chosen a career in a thermal energy-oriented field such
as design of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).
Option B: Machine Design Structures deals with planning or devising
new or improved machine components to accomplish specific purposes
found in the manufacturing, automobile and aerospace industries,
among others. Warren National University is a licensed post
secondary institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private
Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore,
Warren National University's degree programs are recognized within business
and industry.
Concentration: Mechanical
Engineering |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Bachelor of Science in Quality
Control program at Warren National University comprehensively
address Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and Total Quality
Management (TQM) through courses in statistical and industrial
quality control; quality engineering and management; quality
functions within organizations; and ISO 9000 quality standards.
The bachelor's level program emphasizes basic SQC and TQM terminology
and methodologies. Courses include Introduction to Quality in
Manufacturing, Probability and Statistics for Quality, Methods
for the Improvement of Quality and Fundamentals of Industrial
Quality Control. Warren National University is a licensed post
secondary institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private
Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore,
Warren National University's degree programs are recognized within business
and industry.
Concentration: Quality
Control |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Master of Science in Quality
Control program at Warren National University comprehensively
address Statistical Quality Control (SQC) and Total Quality
Management (TQM) through courses in statistical and industrial
quality control; quality engineering and management; quality
functions within organizations; and ISO 9000 quality standards.
The master's level program concentrates on conceptual aspects
and issues of SQC and TQM. Courses include Methods in Reliability
Engineering, Quality Functions Within Organizations, Statistical
Process Control and Advanced Systems Quality Control. Warren National University is a licensed post secondary institution pursuant
to the State of Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401
through 21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs
are recognized within business and industry.
Concentration: Quality
Control |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Safety Engineering program at
Warren National University is a discipline which is regulatory
driven as well as technology driven, and as such is continually
evolving with new legal and regulatory requirements being addressed
by safety professionals. New interpretations of the discipline
are also introduced by innovative technology, and Warren National University
continues to adapt the Safety Engineering program as the needs
of the industry change. At the graduate level, the more senior
responsibilities of a safety professional are addressed, such
as property loss control and safety program design and management.
Courses for the Master's of Science degree include Accident
Investigation and Reconstruction, Contemporary Ergonomics, Industrial
Hygiene and OSHA Compliance. Warren National University is a
licensed post secondary institution pursuant to the State of
Wyoming Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through
21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs are recognized
within business and industry.
Concentration: Safety
Engineering |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Safety Engineering program at
Warren National University is a discipline which is regulatory
driven as well as technology driven, and as such is continually
evolving with new legal and regulatory requirements being addressed
by safety professionals. New interpretations of the discipline
are also introduced by innovative technology, and Warren National University
continues to adapt the Safety Engineering program as the needs
of the industry change. At the Bachelor of Science level, the
program addresses the various themes within the field of safety.
Courses include Safety and Health for Engineers, Probability
and Statistics for Safety, Probability, Risk and Statistics,
and Safety Management. Warren National University is a licensed
post secondary institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming
Private Schools Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407.
Therefore, Warren National University's degree programs are recognized
within business and industry.
Concentration: Safety
Engineering |
Online |
Warren National University
Program: The Safety Engineering program at
Warren National University is a discipline which is regulatory
driven as well as technology driven, and as such is continually
evolving with new legal and regulatory requirements being addressed
by safety professionals. New interpretations of the discipline
are also introduced by innovative technology, and Warren National University
continues to adapt the Safety Engineering program as the needs
of the industry change. At the doctorate level, action-oriented
research is encouraged, with clear applications to industry.
Courses include Safety and Health Law, Emergency and Disaster
Preparedness Management, Analytical Safety and Human Factors
Engineering. Warren National University is a licensed post secondary
institution pursuant to the State of Wyoming Private Schools
Licensing Act W.S. 21-2-401 through 21-2-407. Therefore, Warren National University's
degree programs are recognized within business and industry.
Concentration: Safety
Engineering |
Online |
School Description
electronic systems
The program in Electronics Engineering Technology is designed to prepare
you with skills necessary to advance into management opportunities in
a technical field.
The combination of management and general education courses in the program
helps you apply skills in generate management, critical thinking, logic,
communication, and problem solving to management challenges in a technical
The program helps prepares you for supervisory roles in the Electronics
The program will teach you to:
- Describe computer network concepts and implement common
network operating systems and topologies.
- Write computer programs using C++ programming language.
- Conduct circuit analysis.
- Develop control systems to control industrial processes
using sensors, controllers and control loops.
- Operate and calibrate commonly used test equipment such
as oscilloscopes, multimeters and function generators.
Some online degree programs are a combination of classroom
and online, while others are exclusively online.
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Degrees By Subject Computer Colleges CAD Schools Computer Animation Universities Computer Networking Courses Computer Programming Colleges Computer Science Degrees Electronics Courses Internet Computer Classes Online CAD Programs Online Computer Certification Online Computer Science Degree Online Programming Classes Programming Degrees Healthcare Training Dental Assisting Schools Dental Colleges Dental Hygenist Program HIPAA Schools Massage Therapy Classes Medical Administration Medical Assistant Training Medical Billing And Coding Courses Nursing Classes Nursing Courses Online Online Health Care Degrees Phlebotomist Certification Physical Therapy Colleges Ultrasound Schools Ultrasound Technician Training Culinary & Hospitality Training Baking School Cooking Courses Culinary Arts Programs Hotel Management Schools Pastry Class Restaurant Management Schools Travel Colleges Legal Training Criminal Justice Degree Online Criminal Justice Courses Legal Assistant Training Online Paralegal Courses Paralegal Courses Teacher Colleges Education Colleges Education Degree Online Teacher Certification Online Teacher Training Schools Film & Journalism Schools Broadcasting Training Film Degree Journalism Courses Movie Schools Photography Courses Video Production Courses Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Degree Online Criminal Justice Courses Legal Assistant Training Paralegal Courses Online Paralegal Courses
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