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 :: Technology Management Degrees
Technology management is a set of management disciplines that allows organizations to manage their technological fundamentals to create competitive advantage. Typical concepts used in technology management are:
- technology strategy (a logic or role of technology in organization),
- technology forecasting (identification of possible relevant technologies for the organization, possibly through technology scouting),
- technology roadmap (mapping technologies to business and market needs), and
- technology project portfolio (a set of projects under development) and technology portfolio (a set of technologies in use).
The role of the technology management function in an organization is to understand the value of certain technology for the organization. Continuous development of technology is valuable as long as there is a value for the customer and therefore the technology management function in an organization should be able to argue when to invest on technology development and when to withdraw.
Technology management can also be defined as the integrated planning, design, optimization, operation and control of technological products, processes and services, a better definition would be the management of the use of technology for human advantage.
The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering defines technology management as the field concerned with the supervision of personnel across the technical spectrum and a wide variety of complex technological systems. Technology management programs typically include instruction in production and operations management, project management, computer applications, quality control, safety and health issues, statistics, and general management principles.
Perhaps the most authoritative input to our understanding of technology is the diffusion of innovations theory developed in the first half of the twentieth century. It suggests that all innovations follow a similar diffusion pattern – best known today in the form of an "s" curve though originally based upon the concept of a standard distribution of adopters. In broad terms the "s" curve suggests four phases of a technology life cycle – emerging, growth, mature and aging.
These four phases are coupled to increasing levels of acceptance of an innovation or, in our case a new technology. In recent times for many technologies an inverse curve – which corresponds to a declining cost per unit – has been postulated. This may not prove to be universally true though for information technology where much of the cost is in the initial phase it has been a reasonable expectation.
The second major contribution to this area is the Carnegie Mellon Capability Maturity Model. This model proposes that a series of progressive capabilities can be quantified through a set of threshold tests. These tests determine repeatability, definition, management and optimization. The model suggests that any organization has to master one level before being able to proceed to the next.
The third significant contribution comes from Gartner – the research service, it is the hype cycle, this suggests that our modern approach to marketing technology results in the technology being over hyped in the early stages of growth. Taken together, these fundamental concepts provide a foundation for formalizing the approach to managing technology.
Mobile device management (MDM) is the administrative area dealing with deploying, securing, monitoring, integrating and managing mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops, in the workplace and other areas. The intent of MDM is to optimize the functionality and security of mobile devices within the enterprise, while simultaneously protecting the corporate network. MDM is usually implemented with the use of a third party product that has management features for particular vendors of mobile devices.
The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), accredits selected collegiate programs in technology management. An instructor or graduate of a technology management program may choose to become a Certified Technology Manager (CTM) by sitting for a rigorous exam administered by ATMAE covering production planning & control, safety, quality, and management/supervision.
ATMAE program accreditation is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) for accrediting technology management programs. CHEA recognizes ATMAE in the U.S. for accrediting associate, baccalaureate, and master's degree programs in technology, applied technology, engineering technology, and technology-related disciplines delivered by national or regional accredited institutions in the United States.(2011)
A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in business administration or management. According to Kaplan business schools are "educational institutions that specialize in teaching courses and programs related to business and/or management". Such a school can also be known as school of management, school of business administration, or colloquially b-school or biz school. A business school teaches topics such as accounting, administration, strategy, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resource management, management science, management information systems, international business, logistics, marketing, organizational psychology, organizational behavior, public relations, research methods and real estate among others.
There are several forms of business schools, including a school of business, business administration, and management.
- Most of the university business schools consist of faculties, colleges, or departments within the university, and predominantly teach business courses (e.g. Mannheim Business School).
- In North America, a business school is often understood to be a university program that offers a graduate Master of Business Administration degrees and/or undergraduate bachelor's degrees (e.g. Harvard Business School).
- In Europe and Asia, some universities teach predominantly business courses (e.g. Copenhagen Business School).
- Privately owned business school which is not affiliated with any university (e.g. WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management).
Kaplan classifies business schools along four Corners:
- Culture (Europe - US): Independent of their actual (physical) location, business schools can be classified according to whether they follow the European or the US model.
- Compass (international/global – regional/local): Business schools can be classified along a continuum, with international/ global schools on one end and regional/ local schools on the other.
- Capital (public – private): Business schools can either be publicly (state) funded or privately funded, for example through endowments or tuition fees.
- Content (teaching – research): Business school can be classified according to whether a school considers teaching or research to be its primary focus.
Some business schools structure their teaching around the use of case studies (i.e. the case method). Case studies have been used in Graduate and Undergraduate business education for nearly one hundred years. Business cases are historical descriptions of actual business situations. Typically, information is presented about a business firm's products, markets, competition, financial structure, sales volumes, management, employees and other factors influencing the firm's success. The length of a business case study may range from two or three pages to 30 pages, or more.
Students are expected to scrutinize the case study and prepare to discuss strategies and tactics that the firm should employ in the future. Three different methods have been used in business case teaching:
- Preparing case-specific questions to be answered by the student. This is used with short cases intended for Undergraduate students. The underlying concept is that such students need specific guidance to be able to analyze case studies.
- Problem-solving analysis is the second method initiated by the Harvard Business School which is by far the most widely used method in MBA and executive development programs. The underlying concept is that with enough practice (hundreds of case analyses) students develop intuitive skills for analyzing and resolving complex business situations. Successful implementation of this method depends heavily on the skills of the discussion leader.
- A generally applicable strategic planning approach. This third method does not require students to analyze hundreds of cases. A strategic planning model is provided and students are instructed to apply the steps of the model to six – and up to a dozen cases – during a semester. This is sufficient to develop their ability to analyze a complex situation, generate a variety of possible strategies and to select the best ones. In effect, students learn a generally applicable approach to analyze cases studies and real situations. This approach does not make any extraordinary demands on the artistic and dramatic talents of the teacher. Consequently, most professors are capable of supervising the application of this method.
In contrast to the case method some schools use a skills-based approach in teaching business. This approach emphasizes quantitative methods, in particular operations research, management information systems, statistics, organizational behavior, modeling and simulation, and decision science. The leading institution in this method is the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. The goal is to provide students a set of tools that will prepare them to tackle and solve problems.
In addition to teaching students, many business schools run Executive Education programs. These may be either open programs or company-specific programs. Executives may also acquire an MBA title in an Executive MBA program within university of business or from top ranked business schools. Many business schools seek close co-operation with business.
School Description
Choose the education that's right for YOU!
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
San Diego, CA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
:: Location:
San Jose, CA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
:: Location:
Colorado, CO |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
:: Location:
Colorado Springs, CO |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Ft. Lauderdale, FL |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Jacksonville, FL |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Global Management |
American InterContinental
Program: American InterContinental
dynamic MBA program provides a contemporary, challenging and professionally-focused
education. Today, every major business enterprise extends beyond
the shores of the United States, American InterContinental
prepares future leaders to be prepared for the global marketplace.
In approximately 12 months during the daytime, or in 24 months during the evening, you'll earn a degree that covers: Operations
Management, Marketing, Finance, Project Management, Human Resources,
Technology Management, and Leadership.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Dunwoody, GA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
New Orleans, LA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Braintree, MA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Baltimore, MD |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Kalamazoo, MI |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
:: Location:
Albuquerque, NM |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Philadelphia, PA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
:: Location:
Pittsburgh, PA |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
:: Location:
Nashville, TN |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Campus |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: The MBA/TM program is dedicated to
the linkage of technical and business cultures as integrated functions
of the technology-based organization and to the establishment
of an innovative environment which will encompass the creation
to application spectrum of technology development.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
:: Location:
Milwaukee, WI |
Master of Business Administration- Technology Management |
University of Phoenix
Program: Whether you are involved in the development,
management, or marketing of technology, this program will teach
you how to meet the unique challenges of the ever-changing technology
industry. The most successful organizations will continue to employ
managers, engineers, designers, and systems analysts who can interpret
business plans as easily as schematic drawings.
Concentration: Technology
Management |
Online |
School Description
technology management
The MBA/TM program is dedicated to the linkage of technical and business
cultures as integrated functions of the technology-based organization
and to the establishment of an innovative environment which will encompass
the creation to application spectrum of technology development.
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