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:: Legal Training
A paralegal is an individual who is employed or retained by a lawyer, law office, corporation, governmental agency, or other entity and who performs specifically delegated substantive legal work for which a lawyer is responsible. Paralegals perform tasks requiring knowledge of the law and legal procedures, but the exact nature of their work and limitations that the law places on the tasks they are allowed to undertake vary between nations and jurisdictions. A paralegal is not a lawyer but is typically employed by a law office or internal legal department of a company; paralegals are typically not allowed to offer legal services independently in most jurisdictions. Paralegals operate under a form of independent legal ethics, but with few exceptions must also typically conduct their work under the formal supervision of an attorney. In some jurisdictions, paralegals can conduct their own business and are called Law Agents, providing services such as settlements, court filings, legal research and other auxiliary legal services; these tasks often have instructions from a solicitor attached.
In the United States, a paralegal is protected from some forms of professional liability under the theory that paralegals are working as an enhancement of an attorney, who takes ultimate responsibility for the supervision of the paralegal's work and their work product. Paralegals often have taken a prescribed series of courses in law and legal processes. Paralegals may analyze and summarize depositions, prepare and answer interrogatories, draft procedural motions and other routine briefs, perform legal research and analysis, draft research memos, and perform case and project management. Paralegals often handle drafting much of the paper work in probate cases, divorce actions, bankruptcies, and investigations. Consumers of legal services are typically billed for the time paralegals spend on their cases. In the United States, they are not authorized by the government or other agency to offer legal services (including legal advice) except in Washington State in the same way as lawyers, nor are they officers of the court, nor are they usually subject to government-sanctioned or court-sanctioned rules of conduct. By contrast, in some jurisdictions (Ontario, Canada, for example) paralegals are licensed and regulated the same way that lawyers are and these licensed professionals may be permitted to provide legal services to the public and appear before certain lower courts and administrative tribunals.
Gibbs College - Legal Programs
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Norwalk, CT, you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business, Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. The Legal Executive Assistant Program is a program designed to prepare students for challenging positions as legal office assistants. Training in professional skills, business procedures and communications are comprehensive.
Gibbs School - Business Programs: Legal Office Assistant Program
Gibbs College
Program: The Legal Office Assistant Program will prepare the ambitious individual for one of the most rewarding career tracks. In addition to possessing the knowledge and skills required of a professional in any office, the legal office professional must also understand legal practices, procedures and terminology. A continuing demand exists for the legal office assistant within the legal profession, private industry, government, and politics. This specialty welcomes the person who is bright, capable, well-trained and possesses a combination of business and communication skills. Research or paralegal opportunities often develop for the capable legal office assistant.
Legal Assisting/Paralegal
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information directly from the sponsor.
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information directly from the sponsor.
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information directly from the sponsor.
Legal Executive Assistant Program
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: In addition to thorough training in essential professional skills, business procedures, and communication, this certificate program provides students with the opportunity to use current technology to manage information and to solve information management problems. Students are also introduced to court structure, legal writings, legal research and legal practice and procedure. Legal terminology and production of documents such as contract powers of attorney and affidavits are included. The certificate program contributes to their specialized backgrounds, as they become familiar with the formats and phraseology of the law.
Legal Executive Assistant From Katharine Gibbs School Providence, RI
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Legal Executive Assistant Program is a certificate program designed to prepare students for rewarding and challenging positions as legal secretaries. In addition to thorough training in essential professional skills, business procedures, and communications, this program provides students with the opportunity to use the latest technology to manage information flow, to recognize how information is used for decision-making, to use business applications software to manipulate and integrate information, and to solve information management problems. Students are also introduced to court structure, legal writing and research, and legal practice and procedure. Legal terminology and production of documents such as contracts, powers of attorney, and affidavits are emphasized.
Pioneer Pacific College
Program: Want to enter the rapidly expanding and exciting legal field as a legal assistant or paralegal?
- Learn from legal professionals
- Concentrate on practical skills
- Gain knowledge utilized in legal specialties
- Study to become: Legal Assistant Paralegal
Diploma - Legal Administrative Assistant
Sullivan University System
Program: The development of a sound vocabulary, familiarity with legal routine and phraseology and an introduction to procedures and documents common to the legal environment are all presented in this program. Students gain the skills necessary to work in offices of practicing attorneys, judges, district attorneys, federal and government officials, municipal and state legal departments, and public or private corporations.
Diploma - Legal Administrative Assistant
Indiana Business College
Program: The Legal Administrative Assistant program prepares students for administrative assistant positions in the high-demand field of law. General business courses coupled with intensive legal and keyboarding courses develop the vital skills so important in the legal office setting. Graduates will be prepared to enter the fast-paced legal administrative assistant field or may transfer all earned credits toward the Administrative Assistant Associate Degree program.
:: Location: Anderson, Indiana
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:: Location: Columbus, Indiana
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:: Location: Evansville, Indiana
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:: Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
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:: Location: Indianapolis, Indiana - Business Division
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:: Location: Indianapolis, Indiana - Medical Division
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:: Location: Lafayette, Indiana
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:: Location: Marion, Indiana
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:: Location: Municie, Indiana
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:: Location: Terre Haute, Indiana
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Diploma - Legal Administrative Assistant
Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Program: The Legal Administrative Assistant program prepares students for administrative assistant positions in the high-demand field of law. General business courses coupled with intensive legal and keyboarding courses develop the vital skills so important in the legal office setting. Graduates will be prepared to enter the fast-paced legal administrative assistant field or may transfer all earned credits toward the Administrative Assistant Associate Degree program.
Associates | Bachelors | Masters | Certificates | Home
Industry Description
Upon acquisition of your under-graduate law degree you are ready to enter legal training and take the next step, the practical step, toward a future in the law profession. With several options available you can achieve your training through a mix of several excellent options. Some of the training can be completed through online study or distance learning. To compliment the theory of these, practical experience is available through practicum or campus based instruction. All of which are available through institutions that are highly respected and enlist the best of the trade professionals. With so much flexibility, anyone can achieve their legal training; the full time student, the working professional, even the parent looking ahead to re-entry into the workforce.
In the legal training program you will develop skills necessary as a lawyer such as legal research, legal writing and documentation, drafting contracts, advocacy, dispute resolution, professional ethics and accounting for lawyers. Upon completion of your legal training you will be ready to enter the world of law in a professional capacity, armed and prepared to work your way toward the Bar.
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