Degrees By Subject Business Schools Accounting Degree Administrative Training Advertising Schools Business Courses Ebusiness Training Entrepreneur Training Finance Courses Finance Degrees Online Human Resource Training Internet Marketing Course Management Classes Marketing Courses MBA Programs Online Online Accounting Degree Online Business Courses Online Management Courses Online Project Management Course Project Management Degree Public Administration Degrees Public Relations Degree Technology Colleges & Certifications Database Design Training Electrical Engineering Information Technology Courses LAN Certification Programs Mechanical Engineering Online CAD Programs Online Technology Degree Software Development Training Telecommunications Schools Online Schools Online Business Courses Online Management Courses Finance Degrees Online Online Accounting Degree Internet Marketing Course MBA Programs Online Online Project Management Course Online Technology Degree Online Paralegal Courses Education Degree Online Teacher Certification Online Online Design Schools Online Web Design Courses Online Graphic Design Training Nursing Courses Online Online Health Care Degrees Art Programs Animation Colleges Design Programs Fashion Design Courses Fashion Marketing Fashion Merchandising Courses Graphic Arts Training Graphic Design Classes Illustration Schools Industrial Design Schools Interior Decorating Classes Interior Design Classes Multimedia Programs Online Design Schools Online Graphic Design Training Online Web Design Courses Visual Communications Web Design Schools

 :: Business Administration
In the United States, a certificate may be offered by an institute of higher education. These certificates usually signify that a student has reached a standard of knowledge about a certain vocational or professional subject. Certificate programs can be completed more quickly than associate degrees and often do not have general education requirements. Undergraduate certificates represent completion of a specific program offered in coordination with a bachelors degree. Graduate certificates represent completion of studies beyond the bachelor's degree, yet short of a masters degree.
In the State of Maryland, a Certificate of Merit was, until recently, issued to graduating high-school seniors who met certain academic requirements (such as completion of advanced courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.00); the statewide certificate has since been replaced by "endorsements" defined by each local school system.[3]
It also may be awarded as a necessary certification to validate that a student is considered competent in a certain specific networking skill area in information technology. Thus a computer engineer or computer science graduation most likely will have to obtain additional certificates on and pertaining to the specific technologies or equipment used by the hiring corporation; if not, such employer may suffer unwanted penalties like foregoing (voiding the contract) the protections of a certain level of customer service or warranties.
A certification is a third-party attestation of an individual's level of knowledge or proficiency in a certain industry or profession. They are granted by authorities in the field, such as professional societies and universities, or by private certificate-granting agencies. Most certifications are time-limited; some expire after a period of time (e.g., the lifetime of a product that required certification for use), while others can be renewed indefinitely as long as certain requirements are met. Renewal usually requires ongoing education to remain up-to-date on advancements in the field, evidenced by earning the specified number of continuing education credits (CECs), or continuing education units (CEUs), from approved professional development courses.
Many certification programs are affiliated with professional associations, trade organizations, or private vendors interested in raising industry standards. Certificate programs are often created or endorsed by professional associations, but are typically completely independent from membership organizations. Certifications are very common in fields such as aviation, construction, technology, environment, and other industrial sectors, as well as healthcare, business, real estate, and finance.
According to The Guide to National Professional Certification Programs (1997) by Phillip Barnhart, "certifications are portable, since they do not depend on one company's definition of a certain job" and they provide protential employers with "an impartial, third-party endorsement of an individual's professional knowledge and experience".[1]
Certification is different from professional licensure. In the United States, licenses are typically issued by state agencies, whereas certifications are usually awarded by professional societies or educational institutes. Obtaining a certificate is voluntary in some fields, but in others, certification from a government-accredited agency may be legally required to perform certain jobs or tasks. In other countries, licenses are typically granted by professional societies or universities and require a certificate after about three to five years and so on thereafter. The assessment process for certification may be more comprehensive than that of licensure, though sometimes the assessment process is very similar or even the same, despite differing in terms of legal status.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines the standard for being a certifying agency as meeting the following two requirements:
- Delivering an assessment based on industry knowledge that is independent from training courses or course providers
- Granting a time-limited credential to anyone who meets the assessment standards
The Institute for Credentialing Excellence (ICE) is a U.S.-based organization that sets standards for the accreditation of personnel certification and certificate programs based on the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, a joint publication of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the American Psychological Association (APA), and the National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME). Many members of the Association of Test Publishers (ATP) are also certification organizations.
A business school is a university-level institution that confers degrees in business administration or management. According to Kaplan business schools are "educational institutions that specialize in teaching courses and programs related to business and/or management".[1] Such a school can also be known as school of management, school of business administration, or colloquially b-school or biz school. A business school teaches topics such as accounting, administration, strategy, economics, entrepreneurship, finance, human resource management, management science, management information systems, international business, logistics, marketing, organizational psychology, organizational behavior, public relations, research methods and real estate among others.
There are several forms of business schools, including a school of business, business administration, and management.
- Most of the university business schools consist of faculties, colleges, or departments within the university, and predominantly teach business courses (e.g. Mannheim Business School).
- In North America, a business school is often understood to be a university program that offers a graduate Master of Business Administration degrees and/or undergraduate bachelor's degrees (e.g. Harvard Business School).
- In Europe and Asia, some universities teach predominantly business courses (e.g. Copenhagen Business School).
- Privately owned business school which is not affiliated with any university (e.g. WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management).
Kaplan classifies business schools along four Corners:[2]
- Culture (Europe - US): Independent of their actual (physical) location, business schools can be classified according to whether they follow the European or the US model.
- Compass (international/global – regional/local): Business schools can be classified along a continuum, with international/ global schools on one end and regional/ local schools on the other.
- Capital (public – private): Business schools can either be publicly (state) funded or privately funded, for example through endowments or tuition fees.
- Content (teaching – research): Business school can be classified according to whether a school considers teaching or research to be its primary focus.
Common degrees are as follows.
BCom, BA, BS, BBA (Bachelor of Business Administration), BBus (Bachelor of Business), BSBA, BAcc, BABA, BBS, BMOS and BBusSc (Bachelor of Business Science)
- Master's Degrees: MBA, MBM, Master of Management, MAcc, MMR, MSMR, MPA, MISM, MSM, MHA, MSF, MSc, MST, MMS, EMBA and MCom. At Oxford and Cambridge business schools an MPhil or MSc, is awarded in place of an MA.
- Doctoral Degrees: Ph.D., DBA, DHA, DM, Doctor of Commerce (DCOM), PhD in Management or Business Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy), Doctor of Professional Studies (DPS)
Some business schools structure their teaching around the use of case studies (i.e. the case method). Case studies have been used in Graduate and Undergraduate business education for nearly one hundred years. Business cases are historical descriptions of actual business situations. Typically, information is presented about a business firm's products, markets, competition, financial structure, sales volumes, management, employees and other factors influencing the firm's success. The length of a business case study may range from two or three pages to 30 pages, or more.
Business schools often obtain case studies published by the Harvard Business School, INSEAD, London Business School, the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, the Richard Ivey School of Business at The University of Western Ontario, the Darden School at the University of Virginia, IESE, other academic institutions, or case clearing houses (such as The Case Centre). Harvard's most popular case studies include Lincoln Electric Co.[44] and Google, Inc.[45]
Students are expected to scrutinize the case study and prepare to discuss strategies and tactics that the firm should employ in the future. Three different methods have been used in business case teaching:
- Preparing case-specific questions to be answered by the student. This is used with short cases intended for Undergraduate students. The underlying concept is that such students need specific guidance to be able to analyze case studies.
- Problem-solving analysis is the second method initiated by the Harvard Business School which is by far the most widely used method in MBA and executive development programs. The underlying concept is that with enough practice (hundreds of case analyses) students develop intuitive skills for analyzing and resolving complex business situations. Successful implementation of this method depends heavily on the skills of the discussion leader.
- A generally applicable strategic planning approach. This third method does not require students to analyze hundreds of cases. A strategic planning model is provided and students are instructed to apply the steps of the model to six – and up to a dozen cases – during a semester. This is sufficient to develop their ability to analyze a complex situation, generate a variety of possible strategies and to select the best ones. In effect, students learn a generally applicable approach to analyze cases studies and real situations.[46] This approach does not make any extraordinary demands on the artistic and dramatic talents of the teacher. Consequently, most professors are capable of supervising the application of this method.
In contrast to the case method some schools use a skills-based approach in teaching business. This approach emphasizes quantitative methods, in particular operations research, management information systems, statistics, organizational behavior, modeling and simulation, and decision science. The leading institution in this method is the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University. The goal is to provide students a set of tools that will prepare them to tackle and solve problems.
Another important approach used in business school is the use of business games that are used in different disciplines such as business, economics, management, etc. Some colleges are blending many of these approaches throughout their degree programs, and even blending the method of delivery for each of these approaches. A study from by Inside Higher Ed and the Babson Survey Research Group[48] shows that there is still disagreement as to the effectiveness of the approaches but the reach and accessibility is proving to be more and more appealing. Liberal arts colleges in the United States like New England College,[49] Wesleyan University,[50] and Bryn Mawr College are now offering complete online degrees in many business curriculae despite the controversy that surrounds the learning method.
There are also several business schools which still rely on the lecture method to give students a basic business education. Lectures are generally given from the professor's point of view, and rarely require interaction from the students unless notetaking is required. Lecture as a method of teaching in business schools has been criticized by experts for reducing the incentive and individualism in the learning experience.[51]
- "Andreas Kaplan: A school is "a building that has four walls…with tomorrow inside": Toward the reinvention of the business school". Business Horizons. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2018.03.010.
- "Andreas Kaplan: A school is "a building that has four walls…with tomorrow inside": Toward the reinvention of the business school". Business Horizons. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2018.03.010.
- "Andreas Kaplan: European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools". European Management Journal. 32: 529–534. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2014.03.006.
- "Wharton History". The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 2012-06-03.
- Kaplan, Andreas M (2014). "European Management and European Business Schools: Insights from the History of Business Schools". European Management Journal. 32: 529–534. doi:10.1016/j.emj.2014.03.006.
- Yumlembam, Dayananda. "MICA innovation to help Harvard business school sharpen teaching tools". Times of India. TNN. Retrieved 9 November 2015. When Harvard Business School was started, its faculty members realized that there were no textbooks suitable to a graduate program in business. That was when they decided to use case studies which are detailed accounts of innovative methods and practices that managers follow.
Choudaha, Rahul (September 19, 2017). "Accelerating Global Engagement With Collaboration and Innovation". AACSB International.
School Description
Choose the education that's right for YOU!
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Online |
:: Location:
Winnipeg, MB |
Administrative Management - Katharine Gibbs - Philadelphia,
PA |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: Administrative Management Diploma
Program. The objective of the Administrative Management program
is to prepare students for entry-level Administrative Assistant,
Executive Assistant, Assistant Office Manager, Administrative
Technician, Accounts Payable/Receivable Assistant and Human Resources
Assistant positions.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Philadelphia, PA |
Administrative Management From The International Academy
of Design and Technology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
International Academy of Design & Technology
Program: Students will learn the skills necessary
to function in the modern office, including: advanced keyboarding,
word processing (MS Word), spreadsheets (MS Excel), database (MS
Access), electronic transcription and written and oral communication.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Pittsburgh, PA |
Administrative Office Technology Certificate Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Administrative Office Technology
Program is a 9-month certificate program for day students and
a 12-month certificate program for night students. In this program
students will be introduced to how information is used by management
to make decisions, how to use effective communication skills to
perform successfully as part of a team, how to use business applications
software to manipulate and integrate information, and how to solve
information management problems. In addition, this program provides
hands-on experience on current hardware and software found in
the most modern of office settings.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Automated Office Professional |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Automated Office Professional |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Burlington, AL |
Business Administration Officer |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Business and Office Technology - Katharine Gibbs -
Philadelphia, PA |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: Business and Office Technology. The
objective of the Business and Office Technology program is to
prepare students for entry-level Receptionist, Secretary, Data
Entry, Bookkeeper and Clerical positions. Students will be able
to efficiently and effectively handle business calls, compose
basic business documents such as memos and letters, perform keyboarding
and data entry functions, order supplies, handle office mail and
communicate effectively with customers. Upon successful completion
of this program, the student will be awarded a Diploma.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Philadelphia, PA |
Business and Office Technology From The International
Academy of Design and Technology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |
International Academy of Design & Technology
Program: Students will be able to efficiently
and effectively handle business calls, compose basic business
documents such as memos and letters, perform keyboarding and data
entry functions, order supplies, handle office mail and communicate
effectively with customers. Upon successful completion of this
program, the student will be awarded a Diploma.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Pittsburgh, PA |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Winnipeg, MB |
Executive Assistant From Katharine Gibbs School Providence,
RI |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Executive Assistant Program is
a certificate program specially designed to prepare students for
a career in the office of the 21st Century, a business environment
that will utilize industry current technology to enhance and grow
its operations. In this program, students can develop skills to
make decisions, to communicate effectively, to perform successfully
as part of a team, to use business applications software to manipulate
and integrate information, and to solve information management
problems. In addition, this program provides hands-on experience
on hardware and software found in the most modern of office settings.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Providence, RI |
Gibbs College (Montclair, NJ) - Business Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Montclair, NJ,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. Business programs
include: Business Administration Degree Program; Hospitality Management
Degree Program; Office Administration Degree Program; Corporate
Assistant Certificate Program; Executive Assistant Certificate
Program; Telecommunication Program 15 Months Certificate Course.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Montclair, NJ |
Gibbs College (Montclair, NJ) - Legal Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Montclair, NJ,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. Legal programs include:
Legal Office Administration Degree Program and the Legal Executive
Assistant Certificate Program.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Montclair, NJ |
Gibbs College (Montclair, NJ) - Medical Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Montclair, NJ,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. Medical programs
include: Medical Office Administration Degree Program and the
Medical Executive Assistant Certificate Program.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Montclair, NJ |
Gibbs College (Montclair, NJ) - Medical Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Montclair, NJ,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. Medical programs
include: Medical Office Administration Degree Program and the
Medical Executive Assistant Certificate Program.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Montclair, NJ |
Gibbs College (Norwalk, CT) - Business Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Norwalk, CT,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. Business programs
include the degree program in Office Administration, and a certificate
program to become an Executive Assistant.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Gibbs College (Norwalk, CT) - Legal Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Norwalk, CT,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. The Legal Executive
Assistant Program is a program designed to prepare students for
challenging positions as legal office assistants. Training in
professional skills, business procedures and communications are
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Gibbs College (Norwalk, CT) - Medical Programs |
Gibbs College
Program: At Gibbs College, in Norwalk, CT,
you can get the training you need for a successful career in Business,
Design, Technology, Legal or Medical fields. The Medical Executive
Assistant Program pairs time-honored Gibbs training in essential
business and professional skills with courses that incorporate
the industry-current technology for managing a medical office.
Students are presented medical terminology needed for transcribing
information to create medical reports and summaries.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Gibbs School - Business Programs: Executive Office
Professional Diploma Program |
Gibbs College
Program: The training offered in the Executive
Office Professional curriculum emphasizes not only standard office
skills, but also techniques of the office organization, tact,
and diplomacy in business relations, and professional image. Graduates
of this program may qualify for placement in fields such as banking,
radio/television, publishing, education, transportation, communications,
and government. Utilizing their technical skills on microcomputers,
students should be prepared for positions with the area's leading
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Gibbs School - Business Programs: Legal Office Assistant
Program |
Gibbs College
Program: The Legal Office Assistant Program
will prepare the ambitious individual for one of the most rewarding
career tracks. In addition to possessing the knowledge and skills
required of a professional in any office, the legal office professional
must also understand legal practices, procedures and terminology.
A continuing demand exists for the legal office assistant within
the legal profession, private industry, government, and politics.
This specialty welcomes the person who is bright, capable, well-trained
and possesses a combination of business and communication skills.
Research or paralegal opportunities often develop for the capable
legal office assistant.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Winnipeg, MB |
Insurance Coding Specialist |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Katharine Gibbs School (Piscataway) - Business Programs:
Corporate Assistant Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Corporate Assistant Program is
a 12-month certificate program that prepares students for a career
in the office of the 21st Century. It is designed to give students
the skills, training, and confidence needed to manage information
and to solve information management problems. This program provides
training in written communications, professionalism, and office
operations and procedures. Students will have opportunities to
learn how to operate the most widely used word processing and
computer-based information systems. More importantly, this program
gives students a comprehensive understanding of how the technology
behind the equipment works.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Piscataway, NJ |
Katharine Gibbs School (Piscataway) - Business Programs:
Executive Assistant Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Executive Assistant Program is
a nine-month certificate program specifically designed to prepare
students for a career in business that will utilize the latest
technology to enhance and grow its operations. In this program,
students can develop skills to make decisions, to communicate
effectively, to perform successfully as part of a team, to use
business applications software to manipulate and integrate information,
and to solve information management problems.
Concentration: Administration |
Online |
:: Location:
Piscataway, NJ |
Katharine Gibbs School (Piscataway) - Business Programs:
Legal Executive Assistant Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Legal Executive Assistant Program
is a nine-month certificate program designed to prepare students
for rewarding and challenging positions as legal secretaries.
In addition to thorough training in essential professional skills,
business procedures, and communications, this program provides
students with the opportunity to use the latest technology to
manage information flow, to recognize how information is used
for decision-making, to use business applications software to
manipulate and integrate information, and to solve information
management problems.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Piscataway, NJ |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Winnipeg, MB |
Legal Executive Assistant From Katharine Gibbs School
Providence, RI |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Legal Executive Assistant Program
is a certificate program designed to prepare students for rewarding
and challenging positions as legal secretaries. In addition to
thorough training in essential professional skills, business procedures,
and communications, this program provides students with the opportunity
to use the latest technology to manage information flow, to recognize
how information is used for decision-making, to use business applications
software to manipulate and integrate information, and to solve
information management problems. Students are also introduced
to court structure, legal writing and research, and legal practice
and procedure. Legal terminology and production of documents such
as contracts, powers of attorney, and affidavits are emphasized.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Providence, RI |
Legal Executive Assistant Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: In addition to thorough training in
essential professional skills, business procedures, and communication,
this certificate program provides students with the opportunity
to use current technology to manage information and to solve information
management problems. Students are also introduced to court structure,
legal writings, legal research and legal practice and procedure.
Legal terminology and production of documents such as contract
powers of attorney and affidavits are included. The certificate
program contributes to their specialized backgrounds, as they
become familiar with the formats and phraseology of the law.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Melville, NY |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Minneapolis, MN |
Medical Coding Specialist |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Minneapolis, MN |
Medical Executive Assistant Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Medical Executive Assistant Program
is a nine-month certificate program that will prepare students
for one of the fastest growing occupations in the United States.
This challenging certificate program pairs time-honored Gibbs
training in essential business and professional skills with courses
that incorporate current technology for managing a medical office
by demonstrating how traditional tasks are accomplished through
the actual automation of a medical office. Students are introduced
to medical terminology and produce medical reports, such as history,
and physical examinations, radiology reports, and discharge summaries.
Students practice medical machine transcription and processing
claims by hand and electronically.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Melville, NY |
Medical Laboratory Assistant |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Winnipeg, MB |
Medical Office Administration |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
Herzing College
Program: Click the "Go" button for information
directly from the sponsor.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
New Orleans, LA |
Briarcliffe College- Bethpage, NY
Briarcliffe College- Patchogue, NY
Program: As a graduate of the Office Technology
program at Briarcliffe College you will bring to the work force
current information-processing skills. Your knowledge and experience
with computer systems and software will provide excellent preparation
for advancement in the modern office.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Bethpage, NY |
Office Technology Administration Program |
Katharine Gibbs School
Program: The Office Technology Administration
Program is a nine-month certificate program specially designed
to prepare students for a career in the "office of the 21st Century,"
a business environment that will utilize current technology to
enhance and grow its operations. In this program, students will
develop skills to make decisions, to communicate effectively,
to perform successfully as part of a team, to use business applications
software to manipulate and integrate information, and to solve
information management problems. In addition, this program provides
hands-on experience on the latest hardware and software found
in the most modern of office settings.
Concentration: Administration |
Campus |
:: Location:
Melville, NY |
School Description
Prepare yourself for duties once reserved for managerial and professional
- Providing training and orientation for new staff
- Conducting research on the Internet
- Operating new office equipment and technologies
- Performing and coordinating an office's administrative
- Ensuring information is disseminated to staff and clients
Study to become:
Administrative assistant
top |
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