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 :: The Master of Arts in e-Business (MBA/EB)
A master's degree[note 1] (from Latin magister) is an academic degree awarded by universities or colleges upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice.[1] A master's degree normally requires previous study at the bachelor's level, either as a separate degree or as part of an integrated course. Within the area studied, master's graduates are expected to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently.
- Postgraduate/graduate master's degrees (MA/M.A./A.M., MPhil/M.Phil., MSc/M.S./SM, MBA/M.B.A., LLM/LL.M., etc.) are the traditional formal form of master's degree, where the student already holds an undergraduate (bachelor's) degree on entry. Courses normally last one year in the UK and two years in the US.[47][48]
- Integrated master's degrees (MChem, MEng, MMath, MPharm, MPhys, MPsych, MSci, etc.) are UK degrees that combine an undergraduate bachelor's degree course with an extra year at master's level (i.e. a total of four years in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and five years in Scotland). A 2011 survey of UK Higher Education Institutes found that 64% offered integrated master's course, mostly in STEM disciplines, with the most common degrees being MEng, MSci and MChem. 82% of respondents conferred only a master's degree for the course, while 9% conferred a bachelor's degree at the end of the bachelor's-level stage and a master's degree at the end of the course and a further 9% conferred both bachelor's and master's degrees at the end of the course.[56][57]
The UK Quality Assurance Agency defines three categories of Master's degrees:[59]
- Research master's degrees are primarily research based, although may contain taught elements, particularly on research methods. Examples are the MLitt (usually, but not always a research degree), the Master's by Research, and the MPhil. The Master's by Research (MbyRes, ResM), which is a research degree, is distinct from the Master of Research (MRes), which is a taught degree concentrating on research methods.[60]
- Specialised or advanced study master's degrees are primarily taught degrees, although commonly at least a third of the course is devoted to a research project assessed by dissertation. These may be stand-alone master's courses, leading to, e.g., MSc, MA or MRes degrees, or integrated master's degrees.
- Professional or practice master's degrees (see also professional degree) are designed to prepare students for a particular professional career and are primarily taught, although they may include work placements and independent study projects. Some may require professional experience for entry. Examples include MBA, MDiv, LLM and MSW as well as some integrated master's degrees. The name of the degree normally includes the subject name.
The United States Department of Education classifies master's degrees as research or professional. Research master's degrees in the US (e.g., M.A./A.M. or M.S.) require the completion of taught courses and examinations in a major and one or more minor subjects, as well as (normally) a research thesis. Professional master's degrees may be structured like research master's (e.g., M.E./M.Eng.) or may concentrate on a specific discipline (e.g., M.B.A.) and often substitute a project for the thesis.[48]
Master's programs in the US and Canada are normally two years in length. In some fields/programs, work on a doctorate begins immediately after the bachelor's degree, but a master's may be granted along the way as an intermediate qualification if the student petitions for it.[48] Some universities offer evening options so that students can work during the day and earn a master's degree in the evenings.[63]
Admission to a master's degree normally requires successful completion of study at bachelor's degree level either (for postgraduate degrees) as a stand-alone degree or (for integrated degrees) as part of an integrated scheme of study. In countries where the bachelor's degree with honours is the standard undergraduate degree, this is often the normal entry qualification.[59][72] In addition, students will normally have to write a personal statement and, in the arts and humanities, will often have to submit a portfolio of work.[73]
- Hastings Rashdall (1895). "I". The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages: Volume 1, Salerno, Bologna, Paris. pp. 1–22.
- Board Of Overseers, Harvard University (6 January 1825). Revised Code of Laws. Report of a Committee of the Overseers of Harvard College. p. 22.
- College of Surgeons. The Philadelphia University Journal of Medicine and Surgery. 13. 1870. p. 284.
- C. E. Whiting (29 June 1937). "Durham University Centenary". Yorkshire Post. Retrieved 8 August 2016 – via British Newspaper Archive. (Subscription required (help)). The M.A. degree at Oxford and Cambridge had degenerated, and was granted to Bachelors of three years' standing on the payment of certain fees. At Durham the B.A. had to keep residence for three extra terms, and to pass what seems have been an honours examination in order to proceed to the Master's degree, and for a number of years classes were awarded in the M.A. examination.
- "Regulations". The Durham University Calendar. 1842. pp. xxv–xxvi.
- "Third Charter, 1858". University of London, the Historical Record: 1836-1912. University of London Press. 1912. pp. 39–48.
- "ΦΕΚ 54". Journal of the Government of the Greek Republic (in Greek). 54 (Appendix). Athens, Greece. August 1, 1978.
"Graduate School, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology".
The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.) degree originated in the United States in the early 20th century when the country industrialized and companies sought scientific approaches to management. The core courses in an MBA program cover various areas of business such as accounting, applied statistics, business communication, business ethics, business law, finance, managerial economics, management, entrepreneurship, marketing and operations in a manner most relevant to management analysis and strategy.
Most programs also include elective courses and concentrations for further study in a particular area, for example accounting, finance, and marketing. MBA programs in the United States typically require completing about sixty credits, nearly twice the number of credits typically required for degrees that cover some of the same material such as the Master of Economics, Master of Finance, Master of Accountancy, Master of Science in Marketing and Master of Science in Management.
The MBA is a terminal degree and a professional degree. Accreditation bodies specifically for MBA programs ensure consistency and quality of education. Business schools in many countries offer programs tailored to full-time, part-time, executive (abridged coursework typically occurring on nights or weekends) and distance learning students, many with specialized concentrations.
Online Business or e-business is any kind of business or commercial transaction that includes sharing information across the internet. Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services between businesses, groups and individuals and can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business. Electronic commerce focuses on the use of ICT to enable the external activities and relationships of the business with individuals, groups and other businesses, while e-business refers to business with help of the internet. The term "e-business" was coined by IBM's marketing and Internet team in 1996.
E-commerce (short for "electronic commerce") is trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail.
E-business systems naturally have greater security risks than traditional business systems, therefore it is important for e-business systems to be fully protected against these risks. A far greater number of people have access to e-businesses through the internet than would have access to a traditional business. Customers, suppliers, employees, and numerous other people use any particular e-business system daily and expect their confidential information to stay secure. Hackers are one of the great threats to the security of e-businesses. Some common security concerns for e-Businesses include keeping business and customer information private and confidential, authenticity of data, and data integrity. Some of the methods of protecting e-business security and keeping information secure include physical security measures as well as data storage, data transmission, anti-virus software, firewalls, and encryption to list a few.
A Bachelor of Information Technology (abbreviations BIT, BInfTech, B.Tech(IT) or BE(IT)) is an undergraduate academic degree that generally requires three to five years of study. While the degree has a major focus on computers and technology, it differs from a Computer Science degree in that students are also expected to study management and information science, and there are reduced requirements for mathematics. A degree in computer science can be expected to concentrate on the scientific aspects of computing, while a degree in information technology can be expected to concentrate on the business and communication applications of computing. There is more emphasis on these two areas in the e-commerce, e-business and business information technology undergraduate courses. Specific names for the degrees vary across countries, and even universities within countries.
This is in contrast to a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology which is a bachelor's degree typically conferred after a period of three to four years of an undergraduate course of study in Information Technology (IT). The degree itself is a Bachelor of Science with institutions conferring degrees in the fields of information technology and related fields.
School Description
Choose the education that's right for YOU!
Master of Business Administration- e-Business |
University of Phoenix
Program: The Master of Business Administration/e-Business (MBA/EB) is designed to enhance the management skills needed to function effectively within an organization that is developing e-business applications or is starting out as an e-business. To prepare managers for the emerging e-business marketplace, the University of Phoenix offers a comprehensive MBA/e-Business program to equip managers with the necessary skills to conduct business in an e-business environment. The MBA/EB specialization is based upon courses in e-Business concepts, e-Business technology, and a Seminar in e-Business.
The College of Graduate Business has created interactive, multimedia, case-based simulations that place students in real-world environments and require them to apply critical thinking skills to decision-making situations. Each simulation offers learners the opportunity to identify the information required to solve the problem, assess alternative solutions, and receive feedback on their choices.
The MBA/EB consists of 45 credit hours. Thirty-six credit hours constitute the core curriculum and nine additional credit hours complete the MBA/EB program. The core begins with the three-credit, six-workshop prerequisite- Managerial Communication and Ethics-designed to build strategies for success in the program. The remainder of the core courses focus on using quantitative analysis to formulate and validate business decisions, as well as, using critical-thinking skills in solving business problems.
The final three courses allow students to customize their degree program in the e-business specialization by focusing on current developments, business problems or issues relative to e-business. The principle outcome will be the completion of a master's project introduced in the first of the three specialization courses. The project is completed and presented in the final course of the program.
Concentration: e-Business |
Online |
:: Location:
San Jose, CA |
:: Location:
Colorado, CO |
:: Location:
Colorado Springs, CO |
:: Location:
Kansas City, MO |
:: Location:
Albuquerque, NM |
:: Location:
Nashville, TN |
:: Location:
Salt Lake City, UT |
:: Location:
Milwaukee, WI |
Master of Business Administration- e-Business |
University of Phoenix
Program: The Master of Business Administration/e-Business (MBA/EB) is designed to enhance the management skills needed to function effectively within an organization that is developing e-business applications or is starting out as an e-business. To prepare managers for the emerging e-business marketplace, the University of Phoenix offers a comprehensive MBA/e-Business program to equip managers with the necessary skills to conduct business in an e-business environment. The MBA/EB specialization is based upon courses in e-Business concepts, e-Business technology, and a Seminar in e-Business.
The College of Graduate Business has created interactive, multimedia, case-based simulations that place students in real-world environments and require them to apply critical thinking skills to decision-making situations. Each simulation offers learners the opportunity to identify the information required to solve the problem, assess alternative solutions, and receive feedback on their choices.
The MBA/EB consists of 45 credit hours. Thirty-six credit hours constitute the core curriculum and nine additional credit hours complete the MBA/EB program. The core begins with the three-credit, six-workshop prerequisite- Managerial Communication and Ethics-designed to build strategies for success in the program. The remainder of the core courses focus on using quantitative analysis to formulate and validate business decisions, as well as, using critical-thinking skills in solving business problems.
The final three courses allow students to customize their degree program in the e-business specialization by focusing on current developments, business problems or issues relative to e-business. The principle outcome will be the completion of a master's project introduced in the first of the three specialization courses. The project is completed and presented in the final course of the program.
Concentration: e-Business |
Campus |
:: Location:
Sacramento, CA |
:: Location:
San Jose, CA |
:: Location:
New Orleans, LA |
:: Location:
Baltimore, MD |
:: Location:
Kalamazoo, MI |
:: Location:
St. Louis, MO |
:: Location:
Santa Fe, NM |
:: Location:
Cleveland, OH |
:: Location:
Oklahoma City, OK |
:: Location:
Pittsburgh, PA |
School Description
The Master of Arts in e-Business (MBA/EB)
The Master of Arts in e-Business (MBA/EB) Program blends business and
information technology to address the emerging field of e-Commerce and
e-Business. This program was developed to further enhance existing core
competencies and skill sets, applying the traditional business models
to the virtual marketplace.
The curriculum is designed to produce graduates ready to function in
e-Business positions with the competencies, skills, and attitudes necessary
for success in the workplace.
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